
mercredi 5 décembre 2012


 Listen people. If you aren't reading the Gospel According to Homeland than you are surely lost and in dire need of such Holiness. I say strongly, [ and I repeat on the internet] that Homeland by far, is the greatest show on television right now. period. Nothing on earth makes me live up to the stereotype of the brown female yelling at the screen. After nearly 45 minutes straight of sitting directly in front of my television with no allowed bathroom breaks and no conversations, there is nothing else for me to do  then jump about and give warm greetings to the credits with a very loud and abrasive, "What the Fuck!?" If you haven't watched it yet, call your girlfriend, wife, husband, kids (if you've got any) and tell them not to contact you and allow you about 10 minutes post Homeland to properly recuperate. I don't want to spoil anything for anyone yet so I'll start writing Monday nights my reactions on the MM Diary.

Lesson. It's okay to live up to stereotypes when watching the most epic show on television. it just is.
